Support-a-Camper Fundraiser
Camp Kidston's

in partnership with
Bookmark this page! Only orders made through our page bring $$ back to campers
Support our campers by ordering your eco-friendly cleaning essentials through us - 20% of what you spend through our fundraiser page is donated to our Sponsorship Fund!

Be a laundry superhero!
Kids in your community are waiting for someone to help make their summer great.
1 in 4 kids who come to Camp Kidston are supported by people like you
There are more campers in need of support this year than ever before
Waterways around the world are being clogged by hundreds of tons of plastic waste.
Only 10% of the plastic you put in your recycle bin will ever be recycled and only 1% will be recycled more than once
Many things we use every day can be safely shipped and stored without plastic
There is still laundry waiting for you at home...
... but now, doing laundry can be your secret superpower!
In honor of
Tru Earth is increasing its donation
of all our sales during

FREE shipping
on orders over $50
Shipped direct to you