APRIL 2021
Fall Work Day & Open House
A big thank you to all who came to Kidston on Saturday, Oct. 24th for our annual Fall Work Day & Open House! With the help of many wonderful volunteers, we were able to complete multiple projects: building new cabin steps, spreading gravel, replacing foot bridges, organizing program supplies, painting the kitchen, and more.
We immensely appreciate the on-going support of volunteers and community members!


Executive Director
We are very pleased to announce that Janice Noble, who has directed Kidston's summer programs for the past two years, has just just been hired as Executive Director. Janice is a graduate of UNB's Renaissance College. She brings many strengths to this role, including calm, positive and thoughtful leadership, first-hand knowledge of Kidston's community, energy, humour, kindness, creativity, and keen organizational skills. In addition to leading our staff team and overseeing operations, Janice plans to focus on building stronger connections with our community partners and on expanding our off-season programs.
Janice can be reached by email at
Silver Linings
It's been a tough summer with no campers on site, but we made the most of the time to ensure 2021 is better than ever...
New kitchen equipment!! We couldn't squeeze another season out of our poor old, much-loved, much-used milk machine (nicknamed "The Cow"), water cooler, and toaster, so they have finally been retired. With the support of a grant from The United Church of Canada Foundation Seeds of Hope program, brand - spanking new equipment will be in place this fall and ready to serve campers and families, along with a new COFFEE MACHINE... watch out Tim Hortons !!
New mattresses!! Thanks to the generosity of donors, we will be able to furnish every camper bunk with a new, covered, bug-proof, washable, disinfectable, and cozy mattress. Special thanks to our neighbours-down-the-road Atlantic Gold, who have made a major contribution to this project and who have also supplied new beds throughout our staff house.
Stronger Outdoor Education programs Get ready for lots of new ways to enjoy, learn about, and care for the natural world.
"Spring cleaning" Much organizing and cleaning has taken place throughout Wilson Lodge, obsolete equipment has been removed, the grounds have been tidied, and many of our forest trails and outtrip sites have been spruced up.
Still to come... our plans for the winter/spring include renovations to our First Aid and Director's offices, repairs to the porch of the Staff House, and more.
You can be part of our "Better-Than-Ever 2021 Reboot" There's lots of ways to make a difference: Make a donation. Sponsor a camper. Ask to be put on our email list for info on work parties and other volunteer opportunities.

JULY 2020
Our first online session went live July 6. Please join us in a big shout out to all the people and organizations that have made Kidston Connects possible this summer
To our amazing staff
To our many volunteers
To the United Church of Canada Foundation, which has provided generous financial support for the development and implementation of our virtual recreation and leadership programs this summer, through the Wesley C. Smith Fund and through the Seeds of Hope and Embracing the Spirit programs
And to our "cousin camps" (Camp Abby, Camp Tawasi, and Sherbrooke Lake Camp) for partnering with us in this online adventure!

MAY 2020
We know that the magic of camp is not about a location - it's about connecting with each other in play, laughter, adventure, celebration and song. So, we're not about to let social distancing keep us from an amazing summer!
Our team has been busy for the last few weeks, creating new ways for campers to connect with Kidston from home, during the summer of 2020 and thereafter. Kidston CONNECTS will allow campers from anywhere in the world to join together in the spirit of Kidston! Our amazing staff will lead campers through interactive activities designed to help them stretch their imaginations, celebrate who they are, and share in some new adventures.
Kidston CONNECTS will provide new opportunities for many of our families, even after 2020: Kids can join even if they are sick or in the hospital; campers who aren't ready for overnights away from home can still join in the fun during the day; cousins who live in different parts of the world can still be in the same "cabin"; old friends and camp alumni can "return" to camp from the comfort of their homes.
As an "add-on" to our Kidston CONNECTS activities, campers will be able to sign up for an activity box, to be delivered to their home, with a week's worth of hands-on materials to keep them busy through the week - and they'ss get an exclusive, limited edition 2020 Kidston CONNECTS T-shirt.
Can't wait to see you all in our virtual camp space!!!
Kidston is very excited to be working with our "cousin camps" across the Maritimes to bring a whole new summer adventure to our campers
Kidston's Annual General Meeting
Grateful Goodbyes and Warm Welcomes

January was a time of transition for our Board of Directors as we said goodbye to some key team members and welcomed some new faces.
We would like to extend heartfelt thanks to those who wrapped up their terms:
Outgoing Chair, Jen Power Our fearless leader for the past five years, Jen is known by all for her dedication, passion, optimism and unflagging enthusiasm for all things Kidston. She has been a central part of all the changes that have taken place at Kidston over the past few years, from new cabins and camp accreditations, to new fire pits and new camp songs. Jen will continue to share her love of Kidston through a new role, as Co-Chair of our upcoming Capital Campaign.
Outgoing Personnel Chair, Tammy Humphreys Tammy has lead our Personnel Committee since 2016 and has been instrumental in shaping so many of our young leaders. Known for her calm presence, endless patience, and supportive leadership, Tammy has helped us grow a strong and vibrant staff group.

Outgoing Property Chair, David Lea David was our longest-standing Board member, having taken loving care of our buildings and grounds since 2010! We are incredibly grateful for all his work and will miss his close knowledge of all things mechanical and electrical at camp.
We also would like to welcome our newest members:
Incoming Chair, Steve Smith Steve is new to the Board, but not to Kidston. His two children have been part of the Kidston community since 2009 and his daughter has served as a staff member for the past three years. In his “day job”, Steve is Associate Vice President Academic and Enrollment Management at Saint Mary’s University. He brings with him lots of Board experience, administrative savvy, strong team-building skills, and a strong interest in fostering youth success.

Incoming Personnel Chair, Jayme Sabarots Jayme comes to us from Saint Mary’s University where she works as an Administrative Assistant and, in her “spare time”, has led some very successful fundraising drives for the Salvation Army and United Way. Jayme also brings with her a saucy sense of humour, organizational skills, administrative expertise, and a love of hard work.

Incoming Propert Chair, Jim Allen Jim is a member of Woodlawn United Church and his family have been part of the Kidston Community for years. Rumour has it he may be a bit camera shy, but Jim brings with him an interest in solar energy - perfect for our goals around environmental sustainability! - enthusiasm and a mischievous sense of humour.
In November, Camp Kidston's Summer Director Janice Noble and Sherbrooke Lake's Executive DIrector Mat Whynott travelled to Lake Junaluska in North Carolina to attend the Outdoor Ministries Connection "Great Gathering 2019". This conference brought together directors and staff from over 350 summer camps across Canada and the US. While there, they met many inspiring people, learned from other camping professionals, and gained many new ideas to bring back to Nova Scotia for 2020!

NS Camp Directors attend
International Camping Conference
Our kitchen overhaul is complete, with help from the Workers' Compensation Board of Nova Scotia
Although we haven't been able to run our usual overnight programs, we have not been sitting idle over the past year! Among other projects, a deep-clean, reorganization, and upgrading of our kitchen and dining areas has been completed, with the help of a donation from the WCB's Community Connection Committee. A big thank you goes out to the CCC from the hearts (and stomachs) of all our staff, campers, and volunteers!
Stay tuned to this page for more news of projects and upgrades ongoing at camp...